Crystals (A-Z)

Agate- Grounding & calming. Brings clarity of mind, inner strength and balance.

Amethyst Scepter- Occurs when crystal forms on top of older crystal. Holds energy from 2 different periods of time. Connected to ancient wisdom, healing & protection.

Apophyllite- High vibrational stone. clears negative energy, deepens intuition, powerful to use during meditation.

Black Tourmaline in Quartz- Grounding, protective & clears negative energy. Known to protect against EMFs from electronics. Properties amplified by quartz. *Cleanse regularly

Calcite- Calming, clears negative energy, cleanser, uplifting & brings balance.

Celestite- Calming, brings divine support and connection to soul wisdom.

Clear Quartz- Master healer & amplifier, expands energy field with your intention.

Dream Amethyst- Calming, relieves stress, deepens intuition and creativity. Great for sleep, meditation and travel.

Elestial Amethyst- Rare form of amethyst, multilayered with many terminated formations. Healing, supports intuition & connection to highest self.

Epidote- Grounding, connection to abundance & opens heart to amplify your desires.

Flower Agate- Grounding & calming, stone of blossoming

Fluorite- The word fluorite comes from the Latin word fluere which means “to flow.” These stones bring balance, calm & flow.

Golden Healer Quartz- Grounding, brings balance to body & amplifies your intention + golden color brings energy of abundance and luxury.

Golden Healer Phantom Quartz- Properties of golden healer above + supports personal growth & connection to your Truth.

Lemurian Quartz- Connection to ancient wisdom & remembrance. Brings soft, calming energy. Great crystal for meditation- run your finger over ridges to receive clarity.

Moss Agate- Grounding & calming. Brings stability, connection to body and earth.

Pink Amethyst- Soothing, calming, eases stress & brings feeling of inner peace. Great stone for meditation & enhancing creativity.

Pyrite- brings balance in body, aligns with abundance & prosperity and helps to clear scarcity.

Ruby- connection to body, feminine energy & prosperity

Smokey Quartz- Grounding, protective, uplifting, helps to release negative energy & relieve stress.

Sphalerite- Grounding, calming, brings higher perspective. Promotes confidence & creativity.

*if you don’t see your crystal let us know and we’ll add it to the list!

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