Enter The Wealth Codes Portal

Pleasure is the wealth of the feminine. 

Your body knows abundance, wealth, pleasure & infinite possibilities. You hold the codes for wealth inherently within you.

Money is simply a reflection of the wealth your body already knows. And during the Lion's Gate of 2023 we are about to tap into the feminine power of money, wealth and pleasure like never before inside Wealth Codes. 

Walk away dripping in:

  • An expanded capacity to receive money with ease & pleasure
  • Worthiness and an unwavering belief in your ability to create wealth... your way
  • Liberation from anything holding you back from the income you know is possible
  • Opportunities for abundance flowing to you with ease, because they are rooted in more joy, pleasure and FUN

What you'll receive:

  • 4 masterclasses with embodiment practices 
  • Access to the Wealth Codes pre-recored group Q&A
  • Lifetime access to the Wealth Codes Portal

My love, money is here to teach you and guide you into your next level of wealth. In the most turned on, pleasurable, playful way.

Seeing the numbers in your bank account rise, dripping in ecstatic pleasure as you fully open to receive ALL that is about to pour into your life.   

See you inside Goddess!

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$444.00 USD